Uniform can be purchased from Superstitch86, a link to which can be found on our useful links page:
Academy Uniform
All students are expected to arrive at the academy in exemplary uniform, every day. If there is a good reason why an item of uniform cannot be worn, a letter explaining the situation must be given to your child's form tutor who can authorise a twenty-four hour grace period. During that time, parents/carers are expected to replace the item of uniform. Alternatively, parents/carers can request support with uniform from their head of year, either on a temporary or permanent basis.
The required items of uniform are as follows:
- Purple polo short with the academy logo or a white buttoned-down collared shirt with the academy logo
- Academy blazer
- Plain black school trousers, or black pleated uniform skirt (which can be purchased anywhere, as long as it is black and pleated)
- Black shoes or plain black trainers
- Plain dark coloured socks
- Black, white or neutral coloured plain tights
- Students may optionally choose to wear a grey V-neck jumper with the academy logo
- Belt (if necessary) must be plain black.
- Black tailored shorts (not PE or Cargo Shorts) as part of our summer uniform
Variations to the uniform will not be permitted.
PE Kit
For PE, students are required to wear:
- Academy PE t-shirt or polo top, with a logo
- Academy bottoms with logo (choices are shorts, girls fit shorts, leggings, skorts, and 2 types of tracksuit bottoms).
- Sports trainers (plimsolls, 'Converse' and 'Vans'; sneakers are not permitted)
- Students may also wish to wear an academy sports top with logo over their t-shirt for lessons, and a suitable sports coat is suggested for outdoor lessons when wet. For sports such as football and rugby, football boots and shin pads are also recommended.
Variations to the PE kit will not be permitted.
Students should clearly mark and label all belongings with their name and year group, in case they are lost.
Haven't got a Full Uniform?
A letter explaining the situation must be given to the Student Wellbeing and Welfare Office.
Uniform Support Scheme
Click below in order to access our uniform support scheme