Duke of Edinburgh Award
The St Leonards Academy students participate in the Duke of Edinburgh Award, the world’s leading youth achievement award and, for many, a life-changing experience. We provide students the opportunity to take part in both the Bronze and Silver award.
The Duke of Edinburgh Award is a globally-recognised award which has been running since 1956. St Leonards students undertake an exciting, challenging programme of activities designed to help them reach their full potential, gain employable experiences and strengthen their CV.
Employers, colleges and universities value the Duke of Edinburgh Award knowing the strength of character an award-holder has. It is a 6-8-month (Bronze) or a 12 month (Silver) journey and demands commitment, hard work and dedication.
The course is split into four sections. These are:
- Volunteering - Pupils must volunteer and give something back to the community, for example helping at a charity shop once a week.
- Physical - Pupils must do some form of exercise for at least an hour, for example going to the school gym once a week after school.
- Skills - Pupils must learn a new skill in their own time, for example cookery after school.
- Expedition - Pupils must complete a two-day and one-night outdoor trip (Bronze) and a three-day and two-night outdoor trip (Silver) which the school will run in the summer.
We run the Duke of Edinburgh sessions once a fortnight where students attend meetings outside of lesson time as part of their enrichment opportunities
If you would like to get in touch to discuss the Duke of Edinburgh Award then please contact
Miss Hunter at a.desousa@thestleonardsacademy.org.uk or Mr Flint at w.flint@thestleonardsacademy.org.uk